Former POW (Iraq-Gulf War) and hero Soshana Johnson has recently written a book detailing her time in captivity and the mental health problems she has faced since returning to the US (Link to story).
First off, let me say a heart-felt "Thank You!" to Mrs Johnson for her service in defending our country in the US Military. There is no doubt that Mrs Johnson and others serving in the military who have put themselves in harms way, fighting in a difficult war, are heroes. Someone who has gone through the combat trauma that Mrs Johnson went through, should be given as much help as possible dealing with difficult event they went through.
I for one, am very concerned about her mental health, but when Mrs Johnson starts to play the "Race Card" describing how in her mind Jessica Lynch was given more press coverage because she was "a petite, cutesy thing", and that "she felt she was portrayed differently because of her race."
Look, we all feel sorry for you but being a hero or a former POW is not about becoming famous and having adoring fans and tons of media coverage. Yes, that will occasionally happen, but why complain if it doesn't happen to you? You come across as bitter because you did not receive the media attention that Jessica Lynch did. Just be thankful that you and your fellow soldiers that were captured are alive. Going "all in" on the "Race Card" flop makes you come across as disingenuous.